Our Program in Brief

The board of the Harvard club of France has carefully designed a new strategy based on the learnings of recent events such as COVID which brought to light new communities through the technologies of virtual events.

It entails a new definition of the French and Francophile Harvard community to embrace its richness and diversity and harness its full potential:

  • which is far greater than degree-holding alumni, to include staff, students, executive education…
  • which goes far beyond Paris to take into account the regions and other countries;
  • which might require adaptability in terms of formats to be more family-friendly or take into account logistical constraints;
  • which has a wide range of expectations and needs from the community that the Harvard club of France provides a structured framework for.

From that point of view, we are mindful of a diversity in our programming and offer to cater to logistical constraints, affordability and variety of goals of our community, notably making full use of the opportunities of the development of virtual tools with 1) access to a broader geography, 2) more flexibility in terms of timing and 3) reduced costs. In terms of costs, we offer a range of pricing to ensure events are affordable for all. For costly, more high-end events, we ensure they are subsidized for young graduates.

The program presented below takes into account this large understanding of the community and its needs. It has been voted at the General Assembly 2022 and 2023. It has also redesigned its by-laws in accordance at an Extraordinary General Assembly in 2023 (see updated by-laws).

The HCF Mission

The board has defined the HCF mission as three-fold:

  • Bring together the community of Harvard actors in France.
  • Represent Harvard University and promote its endeavors towards France and the Francophile community.
  • Act as spokesperson for the French and francophile alumni community towards Harvard.

Our Vision

To serve and nurture a large, inclusive, diverse community in an open and welcoming environment increasing its influence and visibility through the actions described in this image.

Implementation of the vision through three pillars

Our events are designed with one or more of the following three goals in mind:

3 Pillars image

1: Strengthen the Harvard community

  • Organize events that enable socializing and meeting the members of the community
  • Provide new services for a broader, diversified HCF community

Creation of the monthly drinks, Regional Strategy, Welcome to Paris

2: Foster continuous learning

  • Mobilize assets within our community to provide new learning opportunities and experiences
  • Foster personal and professional development

These activities include HKS and HWF events.

Our public health series, cultural activities including private visits of the Musée d’Orsay, organize dinners in a small format with Harvard professors or key leaders in their fields...

3: Promote opportunities for impact for our community

  • Magnify the impact of our community in France/abroad & with Harvard/HAA
  • Foster social and environmental initiatives leveraging our community in France & abroad
Our “giving back” flagship program: HFSF, social initiative to help underprivileged students discover Harvard through a summer program, thanks to our former President Jakob Haesler.

Across those three pillars, we also take on current events to organize topical activities with an aim to create a stronger community,foster learning experiences and give back to society by helping others (young students, athletes):

We also partner with many other clubs: Ivy + clubs, Tonissteiner Kreis, Sciences Po, ESSEC…

  • The Olympic Games activities (creation of a whatsapp group for alumni coming to Paris to enjoy the Games, dedicated events, visits and presentations...)

For the HKS chapter, see the dedicated page

For Harvard Women France, see the dedicated page

The HKS Chapter Strategy for 2023-2025

The HKS chapter aims to be more structured in France, to gather alumni and develop a movement in Europe for greater impact at a time of change. The strategy is threefold:

1) Solidifying and expanding the HKS network in France

  • Organizing regular events (drinks or dinners with a guest linked to HKS, panel discussions for instance on the European elections, etc.)
  • Using these events to expand the membership of the Chapter

2) Launching new initiatives to promote the HKS learning method in France

  • Ex: Creation of a LinkedIn group open to HKS alumni living in France
  • Organization of joint events with like-minded and similar communities

3) Deepening the links between the French HKS Chapter and other HKS networks (e.g: other European chapters+HKS Women’s Network)

  • Identifying the organizations/communities interested in joining our effort
  • Organizing joint online events with these organizations/communities
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