Every month we issue an electronic newsletter to our members outlining fresh news and upcoming events. It is a good place to check what's going on in our Club.
Note that some of our events have limited access and some are advertised only once, so don't miss our monthly newsletter.
Other events don't appear here. For instance, there are joint events with the Harvard Business School Club of France, and with other Harvard Clubs and SIGs, which are only advertised to dues-paying members. So make sure you join or renew your yearly membership.
Here below are some of our upcoming events as well as some of our past events.
Make Work Fair with Prof. Iris Bohnet
Linklaters LLP, 25 Rue de Marignan, Paris, France
Global Networking Night
110 bis Avenue Kléber, 75016 Paris, France
The Neuroscience of Building Mental Resilience: Your Own Tiny Experiments
Linklaters LLP, 25 Rue de Marignan, Paris, France
Art Paris – At the Grand Palais
7 avenue Winston Churchill, 75008, Paris
Monthly Drinks, April 2025
52 rue Galande, 75005 Paris
Meet Etienne KLEIN – Physicist and Philosopher of Science
17 avenue Matignon, 75008 Paris
Harvard French Scholarship Fund
Linklaters LLP, 25 Rue de Marignan, Paris, France
Harvard in the Regions : Bordeaux Gastronomy Weekend
Bordeaux, France
Behind the Global Struggles : Amnesty International
Linklaters LLP, 25 Rue de Marignan, Paris, France
Monthly Drinks, February 2025
Frog Revolution, Rue de la Bastille, Paris, France
Challenges of Competitive Intelligence
17 avenue Matignon, 75008 Paris
Let’s Celebrate Together
Hôtel Le Marois, Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Paris, France
HCF Annual General Assembly 2025
Linklaters LLP, 25 Rue de Marignan, Paris, France
Ivy+ Drinks – December 2024
17 Rue de l'Ancienne Comédie, Paris, France
Generative AI Safety & Robustness
Linklaters LLP, 25 Rue de Marignan, Paris, France
HFSF Fundraising Event
Hôtel Le Marois, Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Paris, France
France-Amériques Gala
Hôtel Le Marois, Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Paris, France
Monthly Drinks, December 2024
Frog Revolution, Rue de la Bastille, Paris, France
Harvard Yale Game 2024 Viewing Party
The Moose Bar, 16 Rue des 4 Vents, 75006 Paris.