The Schism in American Democracy

American Schism: why American democracy is in crisis and how we can address the extreme ends of the partisan spectrum that dominate the present political debate.

Join award-winning author Seth David Radwell in a discussion with former political leader Beth Fukumoto, and human rights expert Benjamin Abtan on how partisanship currently dominating the political debate in America might be addressed. 

In his award-winning book “American Schism“, Radwell concludes that reasoned political dialogue in America has collapsed. Raw, bitter and somewhat irrational emotions such as anger and resentment have crowded out logical debate. Radwell proposes a new dialogue between those Americans who make up the exhausted majority, dedicated to a new threefold mission: to educate the public about our country’s political history in the hopes of recommitting to our shared democratic values; to re-establish a civil and rational discussion to replace our divisive contemporary political discourse; and, to commence the long process of healing our nation for future generations. During this discussion, our speakers will unpack these ideas and set out how we can move forward towards reasoned, consensus building democratic debate.

Meet our inspiring Harvard Alumnae panelists:

Seth David Radwell

Author of American Schism: How the Two Enlightenments Hold the Secret to Healing Our Nation, Seth is an entrepreneur, business executive and recognized thought leader in consumer marketing. A common thread across all his endeavors has been his passion for shared democratic values and American public policy. Mr. Radwell previously served as President of e-Scholastic, the digital arm of the global children’s publishing and education company. Until 2018, He served as the CEO of The Proactiv Company, the leading skincare brand for acne. Prior, he served as President & CRO of Guthy-Renker, the worldwide leading beauty company. Before, Mr. Radwell spent six years with management consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Mr. Radwell received a Master’s degree in Public Policy, from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum laude from Columbia College, Columbia University.
Beth Fukumoto

Beth is an experienced political leader and leadership coach, Beth works with civic-minded citizens and organizations to mobilize for social and political change. She is currently completing a book entitled Red Lines: Postcards from Partisan Purgatory that draws leadership lessons from her own political experiences. In 2017, Beth was the youngest woman in the U.S. to lead a major party in a legislature and the first elected Republican to switch parties after Trump’s election. She served 3 terms in the Hawaii House of Representatives where she was recognized as one of Washington Post’s “40 under 40″ rising political stars and Apolitical’s “The World’s Most Influential Young People in Government.”
Benjamin Abtan

Adjunct Professor, ESCP Europe Business School. The child of Berber Jews from Southern Morocco who had to leave their country because of rising intolerance, Benjamin has been involved for over 20 years in human rights at the local and global levels. A former political advisor to the French Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Justice, he established European networks of NGOs and of parliamentarians against discrimination. Today, he mobilizes his intercultural and international background to help people be empowered and address the identity-based conflicts they face, through his action for children victims of the war in Ukraine with Europe Prykhystok (“shelter”, “refuge”, in Ukrainian) and his teaching at Sciences Po, University of Rwanda and ESCP Europe Business School.

The panel will be followed by a cocktail with plenty of time to mingle. Note that registrations are required by October 9. Harvard Alumni and guests can sign up below, whereas Columbia Alumni and guests have their own dedicated ticketing page and should sign up at this link.

We look forward to your participation in this conversation !

Billetterie Weezevent


Oct 11 2023


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

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