Distinguished Alumni
Harvard’s reach stretches far beyond the traditional classroom. Harvard faculty, students, and staff hold global leadership roles in a wide variety of disciplines, with some garnering national and international recognition. Faculty of Harvard’s Schools have won a wide selection of prizes; we’ve published the Nobel laureates and Pulitzer prizes, and provided a selective list of heads of state.
Heads of State

Tshering Tobgay
2004, Prime Minister of Bhutan

Juan Manuel Santos
1981, President of Colombia

Pierre Trudeau
1945, Prime Minister of Canada

Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
2002, President of Mongolia

Lee Hsien Loong
1980, Prime Minister, Singapore

Andreas Papandreou
1943, Prime Minister of Greece

Felipe Calderón Hinojosa
2000, President of Mexico

Annette Lu
1978, Vice President of the Republic of China

John F. Kennedy
1940, President of the United States

Barack Obama
1991, President of the United States

Sebastian Pinera
1976, President of Chile

Fan S. Noli
1912, Prime Minister of Albania

José María Figueres Olsen
1991, President of Costa Rica

John Roberts
1976, Chief Justice of the United States

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1904, President of the United States

Jamil Mahuad
1989, President of Ecuador

George W. Bush, Jr.
1975, President of the United States

William Lyon Mackenzie King
1898, Prime Minister of Canada

Eduardo Rodriguez
1988, President of Bolivia

Benazir Bhutto
1973, Prime Minister of Pakistan

Theodore Roosevelt
1880, President of the United States

Masako Owada
1985, Crown Princess of Japan

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
1971, President of Liberia

Rutherford B. Hayes
1845, President of the United States

Ban Ki-Moon
1984, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Al Gore
1969, Vice President of the United States

John Quincy Adams
1787, President of the United States

Sir Donald Tsang
1982, Chief Executive & President, Executive Council, Hong Kong

Miguel de la Madrid
1965, President of Mexico

John Adams
1755, President of the United States

Ma Ying-jeou
1981, President of Taiwan

William Rehnquist
1950, Chief Justice of the United States
Nobel Laureates
Martin Karplus
Chemistry, 2013
« For the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems. »
Alvin Roth
Economics, 2012
« For the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design. »
Jack Szostak
Physiology and medicine, 2009
« For pioneering work in the discovery of telomerase, an enzyme that protects chromosomes from degrading. »
Al Gore
Nobel Peace Prize, 2007
« For efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about manmade climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change. »
Eric S. Maskin, ’72, Ph.D. ’76
Economics, 2007
« For having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory. »
Thomas C. Schelling
Economics 2005
« For having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis. »
Roy J. Glauber
Physics, 2005
« For his contribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence. »
Linda B. Buck
Physiology or Medicine, 2004
« For discoveries of “odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system. »
Riccardo Giacconi
Physics, 2002
« For pioneering contributions to astrophysics, which have led to the discovery of cosmic X-ray sources. »
A. Michael Spence, Ph.D. ’72
Economics, 2001
« For analyses of markets with asymmetric information. »
Amartya Sen
Economics, 1998
Research on welfare economics
Robert C. Merton
Economics, 1997
For a new method to determine the value of derivatives
Seamus Heaney
Literature, 1995
For poetic works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past
Elias J. Corey
Chemistry, 1990
Devised rules that allow scientists to make complex new molecules from ordinary chemicals
Joseph E. Murray
Medicine, 1990
Developed new procedures for organ transplants (with E. Donnall Thomas, formerly of the University of Washington)
Norman Ramsey
Physics, 1989
Research on separate oscillatory fields to make precise measurements of how various parts of atoms and molecules interact with each other
Dudley R. Herschbach
Chemistry, 1986
Developed techniques enabling scientists to see collisions taking place between pairs of molecules and detect the products of such collisions
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Peace, 1985
Carlo Rubbia
Physics, 1984
Discovery and investigation of new subatomic particles and their properties
Nicolaas Bloembergen
Physics, 1981
Discovery of laser spectroscopy, whereby atoms can be studied with higher precision
Torsten Wiesel
Medicine 1981
Research on information-processing in the visual system (with David Hubel)
David Hubel
Medicine, 1981
Research on information-processing in the visual system (with Torsten Wiesel)
Walter Gilbert
Chemistry, 1980
Developed methods to work out the structure of DNA
Baruj Benacerraf
Medicine or Physiology, 1980
Discovered that disease-fighting ability is passed on genetically, although the immune-response gene varies from person to person
Steven Weinberg
Physics, 1979
Used mathematical hypotheses to explain electromagnetism and “weak” interactions (with Sheldon L. Glashow)
Sheldon L. Glashow
Physics, 1979
Used mathematical hypotheses to explain electromagnetism and “weak” interactions – two of the four basic forces in nature – according to the same laws (with Steven Weinberg)
John H. Van Vleck
Physics, 1977
Pioneered the application of quantum mechanics to the study of magnetism
William N. Lipscomb
Chemistry, 1976
Research on the structure of boranes, which has increased the understanding of chemical bonding
Wassily W. Leontief
Economics, 1973
Developed the input-output analysis used in forecasting and planning the economy
Kenneth J. Arrow
Economics, 1972
Contributed to the general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory
Simon S. Kuznets
Economics, 1971
Developed the concept of using GNP as a measure of change in the nation’s economic growth
George Wald
Medicine or Physiology, 1967
Research on the biochemistry of vision
Robert Burns Woodward
Chemistry, 1965
Laboratory synthesis of complex molecules
Julian S. Schwinger
Physics 1965
Contributed to the study of quantum electrodynamics
Konrad E. Bloch
Medicine or Physiology, 1964
Studied the pattern of reactions involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids
James D. Watson
Medicine or Physiology, 1962
Described the structure of DNA
Georg von Bekesy
Medicine or Physiology, 1961
Demonstrated the physical principles involved in the mechanism of hearing
Thomas H. Weller
Medicine or Physiology, 1954
Application of tissue-culture methods to the study of viral diseases (with J.F. Enders and F.C. Robbins)
Frederick C. Robbins
Medicine or Physiology, 1954
Application of tissue-culture methods to the study of viral diseases (with J.F. Enders and T.H. Weller)
John F. Enders
Medicine or Physiology, 1954
Application of tissue-culture methods in developing a polio virus, the ingredient of the polio vaccine (with F.C. Robbins and T.H. Weller)
Fritz A. Lipmann
Medicine or Physiology, 1953
Identified “coenzyme A” and discovered basic principles in the understanding of proteins
Edward M. Purcell
Physics, 1952
Discovered the nuclear resonance method that measures magnetic fields in atomic nuclei
Ralph J. Bunche
Peace, 1950
Negotiated an armistice in the Middle East
Henry J. Cadbury
Peace, 1947
Chairman, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) of Philadelphia
Percy W. Bridgman
Physics, 1946
Investigations in changes that occur when various materials are subjected to extremely high pressure
William P. Murphy
Medicine or Physiology, 1934
Research on liver treatment of the anemias (with George Minot)
George Minot
Medicine or Physiology, 1934
Research on liver treatment of the anemias (with William P. Murphy)
T.W. Richards
Chemistry, 1914
Research on fixing the atomic weights of chemical elements
Pulitzer Prize Winners
The Pulitzer Prizes are awarded annually for outstanding contributions to American journalism, letters, and music. Since 1919, Pulitzer Prizes have been awarded numerous times to Harvard faculty members — and some professors have won multiple times.
Stephen Greenblatt
2012, Nonfiction
Caroline Elkins
2006, Nonfiction
Geraldine Brooks
2006, Fiction
Samantha Power
2003, Nonfiction
Jorie Graham*
1996, Poetry
Bert Hölldobler
1991, Nonfiction
Edward O. Wilson
1991, Nonfiction
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich*
1991, History
David Donald
1988, Biography
Bernard Bailyn
1987, History
Thomas K. McCraw
1985, History
Bernard Rands*
1984, Music
Paul E. Starr
1984, Nonfiction
Edward O. Wilson
1979, Nonfiction
Walter Jackson Bate
1978, Biography
Alfred Chandler Jr.
1978, History
John E. Mack
1977, Biography
Donald Martino*
1974, Music
Robert Coles
1973, Nonfiction
Mario Davidosky*
1971, Music
Bernard Bailyn
1968, History
George F. Kennan
1968, Biography
Leon Kirchner
1967, Music
Bernard Malamud
1967, Fiction
Perry Miller***
1966, History
Howard Mumford Jones
1965, Nonfiction
Walter Jackson Bate
1964, Biography
David Donald*
1961, Biography
Walter Piston
1961, Music
Samuel Eliot Morison**
1960, Biography
Archibald MacLeish
1959, Drama
Archibald MacLeish
1953, Poetry
Oscar Handlin
1952, History
Walter Piston
1948, Music
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
1946, History
Robert Frost
1943, Poetry
Samuel Eliot Morison
1943, Biography
Paul Herman Buck
1938, History
Ralph Barton Perry
1936, Biography
Robert Hillyer
1934, Poetry
Archibald MacLeish*
1933, Poetry
Frederick J. Turner
1933, History
Edward Channing
1926, History
Harvey Cushing
1926, Biography
Mark A. DeWolfe Howe
1925, Biography
Charles McIlwain
1924, History
Henry Adams
1919, Biography
* Prize awarded before appointment to the faculty.
**Prize awarded after retirement from the faculty.
***Prize awarded posthumously.